Senior hip hop fia fia from Team 5 PES on Vimeo FIA FIA
Fia fia was coming I couldn't wait so we kept on practising. I was on hip hop, going to the street I saw some of my friends stayed with them waiting Ms Paget and Mrs King. They were our teachers.
My partner was Lukis, we were watching a boy named Neo because he was doing break dance. Neo liked that song he put cool moves into our dance. One more day then it’s fia fia everyone was trying their best.
Mostly everyone was sweating no one stopped there were even three minions they could do a silly dance they want to. One of them were shy. It was fia fia time everyone was waiting for this.
We were waiting for the kapa haka to finish and Bollywood. I liked the Kapa Haka because they did the pukana. Some other kids from Tamaki College were doing some kapa haka too.
Bollywood was almost finish once we heard the song play we got on the stage. I wasn't shy It was cool the minions were doing funny dance’s. We went hard FIA FIA was a celebration for us to show everyone what we can do.