
Friday, 31 July 2015

Shopping To Learn my Strategy

This Is inquiry sheet that I had to work on, I had to look online and shop looking for the food and material to last until Tuesday to Saturday. I spent $114 on these food, my budget was $250 and my change was $136.

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Want & Need

Topic - A want means you like and you think It’s useful or think Its just because your friend likes It so you like It, wishing to have something.

(Need & Necessity) A need is you really need like a house If you had a phone you wouldn't want to buy another phone but later. The way I spend money would be the qualities of It which would be a little bit expensive so I prefer what we need like water so we had to pay the rent. Pay for food what we need to eat, Chicken born some eggs and then I’ll crack It and and make scrambled eggs, might need some blankets and some pillow and a bed. Really need some cloths.

(Main Thing Is Need and Necessity because when you keep wanting what you want you're probably run out of money and live on the street In gi. But Needs are like what you really need all the main things like houses and water, Jobs. And once you get more money you’re going to earn lots lots of money and then you can do what you want after.

Friday, 3 July 2015

Tinkering Tools & Toys

This Is a project we did, people In It - Byron, Damien, Moses, Frank,

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Frank's Anzac Project

This Is a movie of WW1, the main point Is we Shall Remember Them, Hope you liked It.