
Thursday, 29 March 2012

Meet The Ghost pipfish

The Ornate Ghost Pipefish or Solenostomus paradoxus is one of the hardest fish to spot in the ocean.  First of all they are relatively small, only growing to about 12cm in maximum length.  This gostogether with the fact that their bodies look more like coral or seaweed than an actual saltwater fish, makes them a master of ghost pipfish.

Monday, 26 March 2012

The mobius Strip

Starting a Monday with a movie Room 13 all watched exciting experiment using a paper strip. Can we have a go? Quickly Miss King got all the epuipment organised.
First we folded our paper with a half twist and joined the ends with sellotap. We cut our paper we long ways. Wondening what would happen, we all held our breath. Magicaly, our expeiment worked Mobius strip are so intriging.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Kayaking at Camp

The respecteblez were going kayaking. When we got there Mr Burt was there. He told us the instructions, when he was finished we hopped into the kayak. The waves were crashing towards the boat and I capsized. Boom! The kayak was on top of me. Mr Malloy was rushing towards me telling me to hop back on the kayak. Mr Malloy grabbed my hand and he pulled me up. I felt relieved. When I got on Mr Malloy’s boat I felt cold.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Dr Ben Carsen

Driving along in a stinky bus Pt England were off to the Tetstra clear Pacific Events Center to listen to Dr Ben Carsen. As a part of Duffy lots of kids got to hear his missage. Reading helped him became rich famous.
Dr Ben carsen is the words best neruro surgeon. At school he thought he was the dummy but his mum taught him how to belive in himself. By making some thing of his life and taking charge he turned his life around and was the first surgeon to separate con joined twins.
Dr Carson is an exceptional man.

Friday, 2 March 2012


Pt.England were going to the beach for fun. ”Wow!” I said to my self.

Playing on the beach is always fun. With my friends, we buried each other like mummies. Sand got in my ear. I laughed. My friends threw a little sand in my eyes. “Ouch” I said to my friends “What was that for?”  

It was year 4 and 5 turn to go swimming. “Woo hoo!” I said. I ran to the toilet to get changed. Running to the waves they crashed on to me. I cried and tears went down my che